Sunday 24 February 2008

I think it's moving

You can see it move, and your eyes want to follow it. Sometimes it slips out of sight even in the middle of the day. You wonder how it could hide while you find yourself wanting to touch it.
It's not really that you know its actual shape the way it blends with the light surrounding it, but if you could touch it, you'd know. Every little curve, every detail of its surface, and you'd smile to yourself in new-found knowledge... perhaps.

Thinking and trying to feel one of those answers that the mind knows are obvious. A series of words that can be repeated forever without the mind grasping what they are trying to tell. Because they have roots in a choice which has been made; one beyond comprehension, even with knowledge that making any alternate choice would have caused the same degree of regret. Can't go anywhere without not going somewhere else. There'll always be that missed aspect.

Even now, eluding all senses. But there is the hope that tomorrow might offer some clarity.

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