Monday 19 May 2008

Skepticism; the blessing, the disease

It's a world full of information an misinformation. Skepticism is the natural reaction when you are used to filter false info and, as often called, bullshit. If people did not have that kind of filter, well.. the result is rather predictable. So we should be happy about skepticism, right?
Not always, I think... It seems to be part of internet culture to question everything, to point out every little detail about which there might be the slightest bit of doubt.
People who are skeptical about impressive accomplishments because they are too proud or ignorant to recognise the importance of these. People who will always focus on all the negative elements and never the positive. They will continue to repeat their state of being categorically unimpressed. It is an easy position to take if you do not wish to acknowledge life as it is and won't accept things that are beyond your own ability to comprehend. On the other hand it is far too easy to praise everything and forget to be critical. One of the most important things when you are a human being, in my opinion, is to find the balance between faith and skepticism. You need to be able to offer compliments where they are due, and criticism likewise. Offer an honest compliment and you may have made someone's day. Offer counter-productive criticism and you may end up causing more damage than you imagine...
Some people need a punch in the face - but sometimes it's enough with a gentle slap.

I'm not going to talk about chaos theory and Butterfly Effect...
But what I do believe is that every little thing we say to each other can have a much more profound effect than we think. The idea is not knew, and I have expressed it before... But it does not make it any less relevant.

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