Friday 18 April 2008


Let's get right down to it and dispense with pretense. Now matter how normal a person seems we all have our quirks and flaws; what I don't get about the modern culture is the search for perfection. Keep searching you fucking retards, you'll never find it. Of course, there's a whole other aspect to our culture which I find much more fascinating - the search for imperfection, because, as claimed by many people throughout the ages, it's the imperfections that make us unique.
Yet there's some comfort in the pursuit of the unreachable, at least to some people. It's just bloody frustrating though, when you want to get in touch with someone and they're on some bloody opium-like dream-substance chasing some obese dragon that they know will keep eluding them.
It is the kind of randomised behaviour that does nothing except restore a sense of cynicism about humanity in general. All we do is underestimate the emotions of the people we're dealing with everyday, lying to them and hurting them more than we can imagine... a few wrong words can make all the difference between ruining or saving a day, but busy lives keep us occupied and uncaring. Ignorance may be bliss if you're an utter retard, but the majority aren't, so how about a bit of a straightforward attitude and some honesty

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