Sunday 27 April 2008

Unnatural ideas

Spring must be doing something unnatural to my mind because I had the sudden urge to actually tidy up my room and be productive. Considering my general attitude to these things it is quite an impressive change.
So I suppose I am at least enjoying the concept of Spring. The clouds may have moved in the way now, but it's nevertheless warm outside. It takes a hard case of hayfever, or just a general sense of hate for all life and growth, to prevent anyone from liking this weather.

Meanwhile governments around the worlde are slowly achanging - Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is finally getting knocked off his throne, and George W. Bush is ever so slowly preparing to move out of the Oval Office even if he has gotten very comfortable in his seat there.
And Silvio Berlusconi is back in the fast lane in Italy.
I could contemplate the effects and consequences of these things, for now I'll be content to not give a damn.

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